Discuss in Quirk’s Media – 4 Effective Strategies to Integrate Consumer Insights into Business Decision-Making

Discuss’ Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Jim Longo, in Quirk’s Media

We’ve all experienced it. You visit a website excited to buy a product you saw advertised, only to find yourself lost in navigating an overly complex website, unresponsive customer service and a frustratingly complicated checkout process. 

Now reimagine the scenario, except this time:

  • The website loads instantly.
  • A chatbot assists you in finding exactly what you’re looking for.
  • You use a one-click checkout feature for a seamless purchase.
  • You receive a personalized thank-you e-mail with a discount code for your next purchase.

This is a classic example of the empathy gap – the disconnect between what companies think they deliver and what customers experience.

Bain & Company found that across nearly 400 organizations, 80% of companies believed they delivered a superior customer experience while only 8% of their customers agreed.

Why is there such a disconnect?

The Boston Consulting Group’s article, “The Introverted Corporation,” exposes the reality that many companies say they are consumer-centric but are failing to put it into action, citing a recent study that found that a staggering 80% of companies aren’t using customer insights strategically. Many businesses are launching products nobody wants, crafting marketing campaigns that flop and ignoring their customers.

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