Customer Stories

Wonderlust Collective on Discuss’ User-Friendly Platform

Market research software that is user friendly and accessible to all, like the Discuss People Experience Platform, is an agency’s secret weapon. Not only can you turnaround more projects in a short amount of time, but you can bring clients into the insights sharing process early and often as you compile reports. Such is the…

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How GSK Empowers Brand Managers with Discuss

Global enterprise organizations need to get closer to customers like never before as a result of changing consumer behavior. For multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company GSK, sharing insights and in turn democratizing their research was a top priority, which is why they chose Discuss as their market research platform for easily accessible, more shareable customer…

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The Value of Discuss Customer Service with 2CV

Agencies need to move fast with customer feedback software that provides seamless experiences, giving researchers insights that influence product, marketing, CX and UX. 2CV, a global market research agency headquartered in the UK, saw strong value in the level of customer support that they received from Discuss while conducting a user testing project for mobile…

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Infusing the ‘Voice’ and ‘Face of Customer’ Into the Customer Journey Map

Logitech applies its customer journey framework to inform execution efforts on new portable smart speakers, leveraging Discuss’s end-to-end People Experience Platform for consumer conversations. THE COMPANY “Logitech uses the consumer journey framework across all our businesses. The framework is important because it tells us where we need to be in terms of consumer touch points—how…

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Qualitative Research Software Captures Deep Consumer Insight

Redefining Customer Closeness, Brand Potential Uses Platform to Differentiate the Market Research Experience for B2C Companies The Company Brand Potential is a UK-based marketing agency and consultancy, servicing clients in the EMEA and Asia Pacific (APAC) regions. The agency has worked with well-known brands including Johnson & Johnson, Unilever and eBay.  “We believe that…

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Developing Strategies Through Qualitative Research Software

  How Discuss Helps Unilever With Their Commitment To Consumer-Centricity The Challenges Unilever has a long-standing commitment to keeping consumers at the core of their business and decision-making. However, budget limitations make it challenging to build one-on-one connections with consumers who live outside of their teams’ immediate geographies. Thus, teams across Unilever were looking for…

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How Qualitative Research Software improves Brand Culture

How Belgium’s Leading Provider of Converged Connected Entertainment and Business Solutions Changed Their Culture Through Conversation The Challenges Telenet is the leading provider of converged connected entertainment and business solutions in Belgium. However, they face a common challenge: they have a small market research team (3 people), despite having a rather large marketing team (150+…

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