Discuss Employee Spotlight – Priscille

The “Discuss Employee Spotlight” is a Q&A series dedicated to showcasing all of the amazing talent at Discuss.

For this month’s profile, we talked with Priscille Abelard, our Platform Training Manager, who joined the Discuss team in October of 2020 and is based out of Montreal, Canada.

  1. Tell our readers a little bit about your role at Discuss.
    Since September 2021, I’ve been the Platform Training Manager, and what I love about this role is how much it evolves. Currently, I’m focused on creating learning content for live platform training, developing async training opportunities through Discuss University, and managing our external knowledge base.
  2. Which of Discuss’ core values are most inspired by? (Empathize, Collaborate, Obsess, Out Innovate, Excel)
    I’m inspired by our goal to collaborate and out-innovate. There hasn’t been a dull moment in my career at Discuss, and I expect the same for the future. We’re constantly seeking ways to bring value to our customers, which stems from a strong collaborative mindset—both with our customers and within our internal teams.
  3. Tell us about your mindset and approach in your role.
    I’m part of the Customer Success organization, and my approach is strongly geared towards collaboration. We all bring different perspectives, expertise, and backgrounds – leveraging that diversity leads to the best results. I’m always eager to share projects and ideas and open to feedback and comments. Whether positive or negative, feedback helps us move forward, and ultimately, that’s my main goal.
  4. What project or initiative are you most proud of at Discuss?
    I would say it’s the recent launch of our async training solution, Discuss University. This initiative has been on my list since I started as a Platform Training Manager, and seeing it come to life is really rewarding. The fact that our users can now have a fully flexible, guided, and interactive way to learn about our platform and gain a better understanding of our features is game-changing. During my live training sessions, I get super excited when users learn about a new feature of the platform and see how it can benefit them by lightening their current research process. The idea that this experience can now be open to a wider group of people, at their own time and pace, is truly motivating.
  5. What is something unique about you (a fun fact) that few people know about?
    Something particularly interesting is my love for slow travel. My curiosity about different cultures and new languages has led me to have basic knowledge in 7 languages and live in four different countries over the past six years. This passion for exploration has taught me how to be more creative in my life, for example to navigate language barriers, and develop adaptability and cultural sensitivity. Most importantly, it continues to prove to me just how much the diversity of opinions, backgrounds, and skills enriches the world.

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